A mobile app will allow estate team to record daily harvesting yield.
QR Code Reader
Delivery Ticket
Location Coordinate
Photo for Control
Fruit Delivery Note
Restan Visibility

Automatic Laporan Harian Mandor (LHM)
Automatic LHM to summarized and aggregate field harvesting result. The data can be fed into main ERP system.
Line Photo Capturing
Jembatan Timbang
BJR Otomatis
LHM Data Export
Nota Angkut Buah Data Export
- Transparency of harvesting results with proof for audit.
- More effective harvesting cost is enabled through harvesting visibility provided by the system.
- Reducing manual administration processes of producing harvesting report and LHM ( Laporan Harian Mandor ). As a result,field leaders (Assistant and Up) will have more time to manage field work , instead of busy with report
- Captured data can be exported to other system.
- Captured data can be analyzed later for harvesting improvement purposes.